
Oulton Broad Primary School

Caring, learning, winning

Oulton Broad Primary School

Caring, learning, winning

Uniform Information

Uniform details:

"Pupils wear their uniform with pride. They are proud of their achievements, the presentation of their work and the success of their school."



The parents of the children at Oulton Broad play a huge part in ensuring that our children arrive to school so well turned out and ready to learn.

Our school uniform is -


Green or yellow polo shirt

Grey or black trousers/ knee length tailored shorts/ skirt

Green school sweatshirt

Black school shoes (not trainers)

Summer term - school dresses in green/yellow


We do hold a stock of uniform in school which has been given back to the school when children leave/ move on.  These are carefully quality controlled, and are available from the school office on request.  Screens (our uniform provider) also have a 'preloved' section on their website. Link below


Oulton Broad Primary - Screens Schoolwear


We want all the children in school to feel proud of their uniform and wear it with pride. So if a child wears something to school which we do not believe is suitable, despite it seeming to fall within our policy, we will challenge it.

Jewellery is not a part of our uniform. Children may wear a watch, and small stud earrings.

New uniform is available from Screens in Rant Score. Please click the link to access their site.


Ultimately, the most important thing to us is that your child is at school and ready to learn!
