Welcome to the governor page of the website which we hope will give you an
insight into who the Governors of Oulton Broad Primary are
and the way we govern our school.
In line with the Department of Education guidelines the Governing
Body reconstituted in 2016 which meant priority is given to people
with skills and experience that enhance and add value to the school.
We are very proud of our Ofsted rating but more so of the culture and
cohesion of everyone involved in giving our children the best education
possible and making the school somewhere that children and adults alike
want to be.
As a Maintained School, all Governors serve a term of 4 years and adhere
to the Governors Code of Conduct. Current members are listed below and
should you like to know more about the role of the Governing Body or
becoming a member please contact us through the School Office.
Paul Scarlett
Chair of Governors
Our school governing body consists of;
Chair - Paul Scarlett
Vice-chair - Sue Witthames
Other Governors -
Pat Sarson
Bryn Storeton-West
Camilla George
Emma Quinn
Jamie White (Headteacher)
Rhian Johnson (Staff Governor)
Name | Category of Governor | Business Interests | Financial Interests | Governance Roles in Other Schools | Date Appointed | |
Mrs Susan Witthames | Local Authority | None | None | None | Sept 20 | |
Mr Jamie White | Head Teacher | None | None | None | Jan 13 | |
Mrs Patricia Sarsons | Co-Opted | None | None | Pakefield High | July 23 | |
Mrs Camilla George | Parent | None | None | None | July 23 | |
Mr Bryn Storeton-West | Co-Opted | None | None | None | July 23 | |
Mrs Emma Quinn | Parent | None | None | None | Oct 23 | |
Mr Paul Scarlett | Co-Opted | None | None | None | July 23 | |
Mrs Rhian Johnson | Staff | None | None | None | Nov 21 |