
Oulton Broad Primary School

Caring, learning, winning

Oulton Broad Primary School

Caring, learning, winning

What parents say about us

At our recent parents' evenings we asked all parents if they would complete an anonymous questionnaire for us. Thank you to all of you who filled one in; the total number we had returned was 180.  This represents approximately 82% of the families in school.  It's always valuable for us to receive feedback from parents as it helps us shape the way forward for the school so that we continue to develop.


The first question;

This was obviously very pleasing for us.  It's vital to us that our children enjoy being here.  We enjoy being here with them!

Question 2

It's vitally important that if any time your child feels unsafe in any way they feel able to share that with us.  We will always continue to search for ways to improve our practice in this area.

Question 3

Rest assured, I agree with you.  Your children do make good progress at this school.  And it's important to stress here that progress doesn't merely mean in academic subjects, although that's especially important.  We understand progress to mean developing their understanding of the world, their maturity as a human, and their emotional intelligence as a nice citizen of the world!

Question 4

Many of you will have heard me say that this is the part of my job that's most important to me.  We are so lucky that you trust your children into our care daily.  

Question 5

All of the adults at OBPS are remarkably highly skilled.  Mrs Fox and I observe each class formally every six weeks and have individual sessions with all the staff in school to continue to improve our practice.  It is our long term goal to be the most skilled teachers in England!

Question 6

Homework is something that we are continually trying to get right (as most of you know).  If you ever have any idea of ways we could improve what we ask your children to do for their homework, please tell us!

Question 7

Without high standards of behaviour, nothing else that we attempt in school would work.  I can honestly say that our school community, adults and children alike, show one another such respect, that behaviour here is remarkably good.  On the very rare occasions that we see behaviours which fall below the high standards we have come to expect, we do have robust systems in place to deal with it.

Question 8

I think that the most important thing that I can say regarding this question is that we operate an open and honest culture here at school where we encourage children to share their worries regarding any aspect of friendship with a trusted adult, so we can help them work through it.

Question 9

We will always try our utmost to lead this school with integrity, compassion, and a relentless drive for the highest standards.

Question 10

It is inevitable that there will occasionally be times when our response to your concerns will not be what a parent would hope for.  I do assure you that we will always attempt to see any situation from your perspective, admit any mistakes we may have made, and attempt to rectify them as soon as we are able.

Question 11

I am pleased that you value the communication we provide. We are proud of our migration towards digital communications.  Our website, App, Facebook, twitter, emails and texts mean that we are now much more effective at communicating with you than the traditional letters which ended up festering in the bottom of book bags!  We always welcome feedback on ways we can improve this further.

Question 12

It is truly humbling that so many of you would recommend our school to another parent.  Please rest assured that we will always continue to make our school the best that we can.  